Abyssinians are an intelligent breed and extremely playful. They crave human attention and love to ‘join in' with whatever you are doing. Very affectionate and loyal to their owners, Abyssinians are also very social cats and have been known to get along with many other breeds and species, and being quite ‘canine' in nature they tend to get on very well with dogs.
Abyssinians are medium to large, muscular cats. They have a very distinct coat pattern called 'agouti' which is very similar to that of a wild rabbit's fur. Each hair has three to four bands of alternating colour, creating a ‘ticked' effect. The Abyssinian is an athletic breed and very agile, they are great climbers and absolutely LOVE heights. The ticked coat and tabby markings on their faces give them a slightly ‘wild look' which is very attractive.
The following colours of Abyssinian have full Championship status: Usual, Sorrel, Blue, Fawn, Chocolate and Lilac (these last two colours compete against each other in one class) and their equivalents in Silver (all in one class at shows). In addition, Red, Cream and all colours of Tortie Abyssinian currently have preliminary status and can compete for Merit certificates at shows.
Standard of points:
The GCCF publishes agreed standards of points that lay out what each breed should look like in detail. These standards are used by judges at shows to decide on their winners. You can download
the Abyssinian standard of points here:
Abyssinian Standard of Points 2013
If you are interested in breeding Abyssinians you should also read the official registration policy, agreed with the GCCF:
Abyssinian registration policy