In 2011 the GCCF introduced an even higher level of award, the Olympian, where Imperial-titled cats from all sections compete against each other for this prestigious award. Five Olympian certificates qualifies a cat as an Olympian Bronze; another five, Silver; and yet another five, ie 15 in total, gives the title Olympian Gold: these wins are also noted below.
UK & Imperial Grand Champion, International
Grand Champion and Supreme Irish Grand Champion
Nile Amun Ra (ABY n) M RIP
First ever Abyssinian Imperial Grand Champion, and
the first Abyssinian to win all three UK, International and Imperial Grand Champion titles. Usual Abyssinian male owned by Isobel Hansell. |
Imperial Grand Premier
Shoelina Rostropovich (RUS a)
First ever Russian Blue to win the Imperial title
Owned by Miss F Sykes and bred by Jennifer Fleming |
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Annera Galileo (ABY o) RIP
First Imperial-titled Sorrel Abyssinian,
the first-ever Aby
to win both
UK and Imperial Grand Champion titles.
Owned by Ian and Caroline Thomson and
bred by Caroline Macaulay |
Imperial Grand Champion
Shoelina Horowitz (RUS a)
First ever entire Russian Blue to win the
Imperial title, and first Imperial Russian
to produce an Imperial titled kitten
Owned and bred by Jennifer Fleming
Champion & Imperial Grand Premier
Norjack Imari (ABY n)
First female Abyssinian to win an Imperial title and first ever Aby to win the title of Imperial Grand Premier - at the grand age of 11! Owned/bred by Norman & Jacquie Stevenson.
GrCh & UK Imperial Grand Premier
Machika Kaliturina (RUS a)
First ever female Russian to win the Imperial title: first ever Russian to win both UK and Imperial titles
Owned and bred by Maureen Hardy
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
One Shot from A'far (ABY o) RIP
The first ever Imperial Aby to produce an
Imperial titled kitten.
Sorrel Abyssinian male owned by
Lorraine Pontello |
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Shoelina Minkus (RUS a)
First entire female Russian to win the Imperial title; first entire Russian to win
UK & Imperial titles; first Imperial
Russian with an Imperial father.
Owned/bred by Jennifer Fleming |
Imperial Grand Premier
Abyglen Aisling (ABY n) RIP
was the first ever Scottish bred Abyssinian to win the Imperial title. Usual Abyssinian female owned by Heather Kelsall
and bred by Dorothy Harley |
Imperial Grand Premier
Glendavan Azamour (ABY n) RIP
The first neuter male Abyssinian to win the Imperial title, and first Aby Imperial sired by an Imperial title winner.
by David & Louise Miskelly |
UK & Imperial Grand Premier
Shoelina Zelensky (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Jennifer Fleming |
Imperial Grand Premier
Illyrian Macduff (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
bred by Mr & Mrs Jackson |
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Serennol Dmitri (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Sarah Williams-Elliss |
Imperial Grand Premier
Pontaby Pasticcio (ABY o)
The first Sorrel Abyssinian to win the
title of Imperial Grand Premier
Bred by Maureen and Lorraine Pontello |
Imperial Grand Champion & Grand Premier
Pontaby Fragola (ABY o) RIP
First ever female Aby to win the
title of Imperial
Owned by Lona Johnson, bred by Maureen and Lorraine Pontello |
Imperial Grand Champion & Imperial Grand Premier
Wavetail Domino (ABY n)
The first RACCS cat to win an Imperial title
both as an entire cat and as a neuter
Owned by Manda Shakespeare-Ensor, bred by Margaret Pollet
Olympian Bronze Imperial Grand Premier
Pontaby Ferragosto (ABY n) MN RIP
The first neutered Abyssinian to win an Olympian title!
Owned by Lona Johnstone
and bred by Maureen and Lorraine Pontello
UK & Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Le Corsaire (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Clare Bandy |
UK & Imperial Grand Premier
Rintinaby Red Herring (ABY o)
First Sorrel Female Abyssinian to win
the title of Imperial Grand Premier
Owned and bred by Christine Leith |
UK & Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Odette (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Clare Bandy |
Imperial Grand Champion
Shoelina Nina Milkina (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Jennifer Fleming |
UK, Imperial Grand Champion and International
Grand Champion Nishalka Fiera (ABY o)
The first Female Abyssinian to win all three
UK, International and Imperial GrCh titles
Sorrel Aby owned/bred by Isobel Hansell |
Imperial Grand Champion
Mikkar Ashanti Warrior (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male
and bred by Mike Shammas
UK & Olympian Bronze Imperial GrCh
Glendavan Roderick-Jaynes (ABY n) RIP
Coen was
the very first shorthaired cat to win the Olympian title.
Owned by Leanne Dawson, bred by Louise & David Miskelly
Imperial Grand Premier
Annera Lynx (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian Male
Owned by Judy Reeves and bred by Caroline Macaulay |
Imperial Grand Champion
Brunnbackens Sambesi (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian Male
Owned by Dave Desolla, now happily retired |
UK & Imperial Grand Premier
Glendavan Leonidas (ABY n)
Owned by Leanne Dawson
and bred by Louise & David Miskelly |
Imperial Grand Champion
Sithee Lillibullero (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Kate Kaye |
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Glendavan Kaiser Soeze (ABY n) RIP
Usual Abyssinian male
Owned and bred by
David and Louise Miskelly
UK & Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Xariabella (RUS a) RIP
Xaria was the first ever Scottish bred Russian Blue to win the Imperial title.
Owned by Tracey Hamilton, bred by Elisabeth Stark |
GrCh & Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Aurora (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female
Owned by Judith Noble and bred by Clare Bandy
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Silversmoke Spindrift (ABY a) RIP
Lucy was the first-ever Blue Abyssinian to win the Imperial title, and the first Blue to win both UK and Imperial titles.
Owned and bred by Barbara and Ron Darby
Imperial Grand Champion
Kashyk Czar Dombrovski (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned by Donna & Dave Johnson |
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Furbell Stargazer (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Ann Bond |
Imperial Grand Premier
Semilla Angelo (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Val Anderson-Drew
UK & Olympian
Gold Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Zerachiel (RUS a) RIP
Zach was the first-ever Russian cat
to win the Olympian title and the first RACCS cat with the Silver and
Gold titles
Owned by Karen Nugent, bred by Elisabeth Stark |
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Catwo Serennol Mikhail (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue male
Owned by Sarah Williams-Elliss |
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Troika Eliana Pushkina (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female
Owned by Donna and Dave Johnson
and bred by Clare Bandy |
UK & Imperial Grand Premier
Larksong Angelina (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned by Jane Trodd
and bred by Judith Noble |
Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Stanislav (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned by Karen Nugent
and bred by Elisabeth Stark |
Imperial Grand Premier
Larksong Troddski Sophia (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter bred by Judith Noble
UK & Imperial Grand Champion
Troika La Bayadere (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred
by Clare Bandy |
Imperial Grand Champion
Makima Desert Rose (ABY n) RIP
Usual Abyssinian female
Owned and bred by
Margaret Mather
Imperial Grand Premier
Melkelter Zarovskina (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned by Sheila Hall and Marion Rayment
and bred by Gwen and Paul Phillips
UK & Imperial Grand Premier
Kremlinkatz Koschka Kirill (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned by Debbie Prichard
and bred by Julie Oakley
Imperial Grand Premier
Silversmoke Elly May (ABY o)
Sorrel Abyssinian female neuter
Owned by Charles and Harriet Patey
and bred by Barbara and Ron Darby
Imperial Grand Champion
Melkelter Missfelicita (RUS a), RIP
Russian Blue female
and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
Imperial Grand Champion
Shoelina Chesnokov (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Jennifer Fleming - a third-generation Imperial winner
for his breeder!
UK &
Imperial Grand Champion
Koreshka Roksana Rusina (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Donna & Dave Johnson Our first Imperial titled
cat with two Imperial parents!
Imperial Grand Premier
Legend Iota Tigerlily (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian female neuter
Owned by Kay Cummins
and bred by Maria Cummins
Imperial Grand Premier
Melkelter Luka Nikolai (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned by the Percivals,
and bred by Gwen and Paul Phillips
Imperial Grand Champion
Glendavan Socrates (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male
Owned by Rosie Clarke
and bred by Louise and David Miskelly
Imperial Grand Champion & Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Vasilisa (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Clare Bandy, Misty was the first-ever Russian to win an Imperial title as an entire and a neuter
Ch & Imperial Grand Premier
Larksong Ghost Dancer (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned and bred by Judith Noble |
Imperial Grand Champion
Melkelter Valchekova (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Gwen and Paul Phillips
Imperial Grand Premier
Coppice Via Reggio (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male neuter
and bred by
Richard & Ann Barker
Imperial Grand Champion
Glendavan Nell Gwynn (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian female
Owned and bred by
Louise & David Miskelly
Imperial Grand Champion
Brunnbackens Leon (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male
Owned by
Val and Alan Lockwood
GrCh & Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Ivan Tsarevich (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Clare Bandy
Olympian Gold Imperial Grand Champion & Pr
Linczozo Cat's Pyjamas (ABY n)
Owned and bred by
Morna Lincoln, Onesie is the first female of RACCS breeds to win
the Olympian title and the first Gold-titled Abyssinian (as of February 2019)
Imperial Grand Premier
Curtilla Grey Mirage (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Bred by Laurie Curtis
Imperial Grand Champion & Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Belucia (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark
GrCh &
Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Tashabella (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark
Imperial Grand
Magleco Midget Gem (ABY o)
Sorrel Abyssinian male neuter
Owned by Margaret Elphinstone and bred by
Leanne Dawson
Olympian Gold
Imperial Grand Champion & GrPr
Kremlinkatz Katya Kalikova (RUS a)
Owned and bred by Julie Oakley
Kali was also the first
entire Russian, and the first female Russian to win an Olympian
title |
Imperial Grand Champion & Premier
Dushenka Zivabella (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned by Karen Nugent
and bred by Elisabeth Stark
Imperial Grand
Abychat Equinox (ABY o) RIP
Sorrel Abyssinian female neuter
Owned by Mike & Lillian Eames and bred by Rebecca Eagland
Imperial Grand Champion
Melkelter Wishful Thinking (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
Imperial Grand Champion
Glendavan Camelot (ABY n) RIP
Usual Abyssinian male
Bred by
Louise & David Miskelly amd owned by Margaret Pollett
GrCh &
Imperial Grand Premier
Kremlinkatz Kohani Krystal (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue female neuter
Bred by Julie Oakley and owned by Kate Kaye |
Ch & Imperial
Grand Premier
Silversmoke Flash Gordon (ABY a)
Blue Abyssinian male neuter
Bred by
Barbara and Ron Darby amd owned by Charles and Harriet Patey
Olympian Bronze
Imperial Grand Premier
Shoelina Mariava Oleg (RUS a) RIP
Russian Blue male neuter
Bred by Jennifer Fleming, owned by Fiona McGlashen
(Photo (c) Mike Eames)
Ch &
Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Xander (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark
(Photo (c) Maartje Schoenmaker) |
Imperial Grand Champion
Serennol Snowflake (RUS w 64)
Russian White female - the first-ever Russian White or Black to win an Imperial title
Owned and bred by Sarah Williams-Ellis
Imperial Grand Champion
Kremlinkatz Kara Karizma (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Bred by Julie Oakley
UK & Olympian Bronze Imperial Grand Champion
Dushenka Orphiel (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark
Imperial Grand Champion
Melkelter Florencitova (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
Imperial Grand Champion
Dushenka Czar Koreshki (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Bred by Elisabeth Stark
and owned by Donna & Dave Johnson
Grand Champion
Surfin Tornedo (ABY p)
Tawny is
the first-ever Fawn Aby with the Imperial title
Bred by
Maggie Horner, owned by Richard & Ann Barker
Imperial Grand Champion
Kremlinkatz Oligarch Bear (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Bred by Julie Oakley
Imperial Grand Champion
Glendavan Caramello Koala (ABY b) RIP
Cara is the first-ever Imperial titled
Chocolate Aby
Owned by Morna Lincoln, bred by
Louise & David Miskelly.
Imperial Grand Champion
Dushenka Duke Ellington (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark
Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Boris Godunov (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Clare Bandy
Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Oksana (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter
Bred by Clare Bandy
Imperial Grand Champion
Flamstone Jaspurr (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male owned and bred by
David Muspratt
Imperial Grand Premier
Tabushkablue Roman (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned by Angela Cooper |
UK & Olympian Silver Imperial Grand Champion
Abydreames Specsappeal (ABY a)
Blue Abyssinian female owned and bred by
Mike & Lillian Eames
Olympian Silver Imperial Grand Premier
Melkelter Andris Kuzma (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
(photo (c) Cumberland Cat Club)
Imperial Grand Premier
Shoelina Diamond Jubilee (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter
Bred by Jennifer Fleming and owned by Fiona McGlashen |
Imperial Grand Champion
Koreshka Olexsa Bluestar (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Donna & Dave Johnson |
UK & Olympian Gold Imperial Grand Champion
Dushenka Rafael (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark |
Imperial Grand Champion
Agapae Circe (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian female
owned by Richard & Ann Barker, bred by Margaret Gear |
GrCh & UK Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Rusalka (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned and bred by Clare Bandy
(Photo (c) Mike Eames) |
Supreme UK Olympian Gold Imperial GrCh
Linczozo Javier Fernandez (ABY b)
Only the second-ever Abyssinian to win the Supreme title, and the first-ever Chocolate Olympian
Owned and bred by Morna Lincoln |
Imperial Grand Premier
Makima Kyanite (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Bred by Margaret Mather, he was the youngest-ever Russian to achieve this title |
Supreme UK Olympian Gold Imperial GrCh
Melkelter Galiya Gertruda (RUS a)
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
The first-ever Supreme titled Russian! Title won at the 2019
Supreme Show.
(photo (c) Shirlaine Forrest) |
Imperial Grand Premier
Abydreames Controversy (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male neuter
owned by Claire Styles and bred by Mike & Lillian Eames |
Imperial Grand Champion
Glendavan Calamity Jane (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian female
owned by Leanne Dawson, bred by David & Louise Miskelly |
Imperial Grand Premier
Melkelter Herrick (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
(photo (c) Mike Eames) |
GrCh & Imperial Grand Premier
Melkelter Sybilla Luba (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
(Photo (c) Mike Eames) |
Imperial Grand Premier
Sithee Iggiepurrs (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Kate Kaye |
Imperial Grand Champion
Dushenka Theodorus (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark |
Imperial Grand Champion
Miakush Asgier Zeus (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Dawn Peck |
Imperial Grand Champion
Brightlite Inki Black (RUS n)
Russian Black female
Owned and bred by Andrea Cherry, Inki is the first-ever Russian Black to win the Imperial title |
Imperial Grand Premier
Abydreames Graffiti Bridge (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male neuter
owned by Anne Vanns and bred by Mike & Lillian Eames
(photo (c) Mike Eames) |
Imperial Grand Champion
Abydreames Gett Off (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male
owned by Shirley Evans and bred by Mike & Lillian Eames
(photo (c) Mike Eames) |
Imperial Grand Premier
Brightlite Slinky Malinki (RUS n)
Russian Black male neuter
Owner Jenny Ormerod, bred by Andrea Cherry
First neutered Russian White or Black Imperial
(photo (c) Mike Eames) |
Imperial Grand Premier
Silversmoke Lindy Hop (ABY o)
Sorrel Abyssinian female neuter
owned by Anne Vanns and bred by Barbara & Ron Darby |
Imperial Grand Champion
Highlight Mungojerrie (ABY b)
Chocolate Abyssinian male
owned and bred by Lydia Barrett |
Imperial Grand Champion
Koreshka Oleksei Bluesky (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Donna & Dave Johnson
(photo (c) Mike Eames) |
Imperial Grand Champion
Aucuparia's Julius (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male
owned by Val & Alan Lockwood |
Imperial Grand Champion & Imperial Grand Premier
Troika Tamora (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Bred by Clare Bandy
Imperial Grand Champion
Melkelter Tsetsiliya (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips |
Imperial Grand Champion & Pr
Troika Bylina (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Clare Bandy
(photo (c) Shirlaine Forrest)
UK & Olympian Bronze Imperial Grand Champion
Dushenka Viola Heartsease (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark, Viola was the first
RACCS cat with an Olympian parent to win the Olympian title |
Imperial Grand Champion
Kremlinkatz Kazak Kazar (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Julie Oakley
(Photo (c) Carol Walker)
Imperial Grand Champion
Annusia Kisa Kschessinska (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Anne Murray-Brooks |
Imperial Grand Premier
Serennol Gizzy (RUS n)
Russian Black male neuter
Owned and bred by Sarah Williams-Ellis |
UK & Olympian Bronze Imperial Grand Champion
Sithee Pearl Noir (RUS n)
Russian Black male
Owned and bred by Kate Kaye, Monkey was the first Russian Black to win the UK title, and the first to win an Olympian title |
Imperial Grand Champion
Dushenka Hollyhock (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Bred by Elisabeth Stark |
GrCh & Imperial Grand Premier
Melkelter Bezruchka (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
(Photo (c) Mike Eames) |
Olympian Bronze Imperial Grand Champion
Melkelter Viktor Volya (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
(Photo (c) Shirlaine Forrest)
Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Zelenka (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned by Caryl Speirs and bred by Elisabeth Stark |
Imperial Grand Premier
Kremlinkatz Rudi Blu (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Bred by Julie Oakley
Photo (c) Shirlaine Forrest
Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Vanda Blue-Orchid (RUS a)
Russian Blue female neuter
Owned by Heather Prentice and bred by Elisabeth Stark |
Imperial Grand Champion
AbyFabylous Fustat Cairo ( ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian male
owned by Mike & Lillian Eames, bred by Anne Vanns
(photo (c) Mike Eames) |
Imperial Grand Champion
Melkelter Glafira Matryona (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Gwen & Paul Phillips
Imperial Grand Premier
Sithee Arctic Blizzard (RUS w 64)
Russian White male neuter
Owned by Grace Ormerod and bred by Kate Kaye |
Imperial Grand Champion
Lapochka Alyana Lilly (RUS a)
Russian Blue female
Owned and bred by Laura Still
Imperial Grand Champion
Dushenka Oskar Kokoschka (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Elisabeth Stark |
Imperial Grand Premier
Dushenka Blue Oberon (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned by Caryl Speirs and bred by Elisabeth Stark |
Imperial Grand Premier
Naughtypaw Garlic Bread (ABY o)
Sorrel Abyssinian male neuter
owned by Beth Emlyn and bred by Gina Kent
Photo (c) Mike Eames
Supreme Kitten & Imperial Grand Champion
Abydreames Clara Bow (ABY n)
Usual Abyssinian female
owned by Nathan Gilbert and bred by Mike & Lillian Eames
Photo (c) Mike Eames |
Imperial Grand Premier
Lapochka Cerulean-Charleston (RUS a)
Russian Blue male neuter
Owned and bred by Laura Still
Photo (c) Mike Eames
Imperial Grand Champion
Lapochka Cerulean-Rockstar (RUS a)
Russian Blue male
Owned and bred by Laura Still
Photo (c) Mike Eames
Imperial Grand Champion
Lapochka Black Velvet-Rose (RUS n)
Russian Black female
Owned and bred by Laura Still
Photo (c) Mike Eames